The CRM Dialer enables you to automatically record all incoming/outgoing calls or calls to specific area codes.
If the call recording feature is disabled in a specific area code, then the Dialer window shows a recording switch during the calls to (or from) such area code.
The recording switch enables your agents to start or stop recording a call manually.
Enabling and Disabling Automatic Call Recording
To manage your recording settings open the Manage Communications Settings page by navigating to Manage > Administration > Dialer > Recording Settings.
The Manage Recordings tab is now shown by default. The tab shows two sets of recording settings — one for the outgoing calls and one for incoming calls:
To enable the automated call recording feature for outgoing calls in specific area codes, simply select those codes on the Outgoing tab:
After configuring your outgoing call settings, you can do the same for your incoming calls by opening the Incoming tab.
Alternatively, you can also copy your outgoing call settings to the incoming call settings using the Copy To Incoming button.
A Reset To Default button is also available should you need to reset your settings to the default configuration at any point:
Similar buttons are also shown on the Incoming tab:
Note: The Reset To Default button only resets the settings on the tab that you're currently positioned in. It does not reset both the Outgoing and the Incoming tabs.
Enabling Recording While a Call is in Progress
To turn on the call recording during a call simply toggle the REC OFF switch in the Dialer window:
The toggle will turn green and the text will change to REC ON indicating that the call is being recorded:
The recording toggle switch only displays when an agent is connected to an area code that does not have automated recording enabled.
Two-Party Consent Law States
As of 2016, eleven states in the US have adopted the "two-party consent" law regarding recorded phone conversations.
These states currently are California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
All of these states have automatic recording disabled by default on the Manage Recordings tab. If another state passes a law requiring two-party consent, be sure to update your recording settings.