To view your Dialer call history, click the Log icon at the bottom of the Dialer application:
Note: The number shown above the Log icon shows the number of missed calls. After you view all of the missed calls the missed call indicator will disappear.
At the top of the Log window there are three tabs that you can open to view the outgoing, incoming, and missed calls:
Users with Delete All permissions enabled for their User Class can also use the "Delete Calls" button on each of the three tabs.
Clicking on the button deletes all the call history records in the currently selected tab including any personal or group voicemails.
Call Records
The call records show the lead and the contact name on the left side:
To open the lead directly from the Dialer simply click on the lead name in the call record.
Note: If a phone number is not associated with an existing lead or a Dialer contact, then the call record shows only the phone number on the left side.
The right side of a call record shows the call time, the phone number, and the buttons to add the phone number to a Dialer contact or to delete the record:
To call a person on the log list simply click on their phone number link and you will be connected automatically.
To add a phone number to an existing contact (or to create a new contact), click on the Plus button and the Contact dialog will open up:
To view more calls use the page navigation buttons:
Missed Calls
The Missed calls tab shows the unanswered calls placed to you as well as unanswered calls placed to any Dialer group that you are a member of: