Looking to add or port phone numbers to your CRM? See our articles on
adding Phone Numbers and Porting Phone Numbers.
The Power Dialer allows users to make and receive calls right from the CRM. All that is needed to start using the Dialer is a USB headset.
When users are able to receive and make calls directly from the CRM they function at an increased level of efficiency. On average, sales reps are able to contact up to three times as many prospects.
Calls can be initiated directly from a lead with a single click, while managers can listen in on live calls and provide coaching.
Here are some other important features and benefits of the Power Dialer:
- Local Presence — Increase call connection rates by up to 400% by showing local phone numbers on your prospects' caller IDs.
- Dialer Recording — Record inbound and outbound calls and bring them up later for training and reference purposes.
- Inbound Call Queue — Redirect call traffic automatically to the most relevant destination and distribute the incoming calls evenly across your team.
- Outbound Call Queues — Create outbound call queues from existing or imported leads, and help your reps place calls to leads in quick succession without having to dial each lead’s number.
- Voicemail & Voicemail Drops — Manage your personal or group voicemails with a couple of clicks of the mouse. Also, by setting up voicemail drops you can free up as much as 20+ hours for each sales rep each month (assuming an average of 100-150 voicemail messages per day).
- Dialer Metrics — View the dialer metrics and gain an understanding of the numbers of calls and talk time your team is producing.
- Dialer Groups — Group employees with similar phone responsibilities into separate Dialer groups which are assigned a common incoming phone number and a customized outgoing voicemail message.
- Buy or Port Phone Numbers — Whether you wish to continue using your existing phone numbers or purchase new ones—the Dialer has you covered! Managing your phone numbers with the Dialer's easy settings is a snap.
In this article, we provide an introduction to the basic functions of the Dialer such as making and receiving calls, transferring calls, and adding other people to a call.
Opening the Dialer
To open the Dialer, click the phone icon at the top of your browser window:
The Power Dialer now opens in a new window, here is a screenshot:
Making A Call
To make or receive calls you will need to change your Dialer status to Online using the toggle switch provided in the lower-right corner:
Once you're online, enter a phone number (using your keyboard or by pressing the Dialpad numbers with your cursor) and hit the Call button:
You can also start a call by clicking on the phone icons in the Dialer or the phone fields on the lead:
After your call is connected the Dialer shows the call information and in-call options.
Here is a screenshot of the Dialer window during a call in progress:
The Quick Lead Actions near the top of the Dialer window allow you to add or view Lead notes, add a new calendar event, or change the Lead's status while you're on the call.
Use the Recording Switch to start recording the call if needed.
The In-Call Options (shown right above the dialpad) allow you to:
- Mute the call
- Toggle the Dialpad
- Put the call on hold
- Add a new call participant
- Transfer the call to another person
Answering Incoming Calls
Users logged into the CRM with an active Dialer account may receive and answer incoming calls (regardless of whether the Dialer application is open or closed).
A popup message will inform you that you have an incoming call. If you have a headset on, the popup will be accompanied by ringing.
If the caller is a lead or a contact, the caller's information will appear on the Incoming Call popup:
If the user is not a lead or a contact, then only the caller's phone number will be displayed:
To accept a call, click the Answer button. This will immediately connect you to the caller.
If you click Decline, the caller will be routed to your voicemail box.
In-Call Options
The below images shows the in-call actions which are displayed in the Dialer during your calls:
To temporarily mute a call, click the Microphone icon.
The icon now displays with a red slash through it which lets you know that the call has been muted and the person on the other end of the call cannot hear anything from your end:
To unmute the call, simply click the Microphone icon again. The red slash will disappear and the person on the other end of the line will be able to hear you once again.
To show or hide the Dialpad simply click on the Toggle Dialpad button:
To put your call on hold click the Pause button.
The button now changes color from black to blue, and a popup appears briefly to inform you that the call is being held:
While the call is on hold your company's pre-recorded message is played.
To release the call from hold, click the Pause button again. The button's color now changes back to black and a popup appears to inform you that the call has been resumed.
To add another participant to a call, click the Plus icon in the in-call options:
A popup dialog appears which offers three choices of participant type.
You can select an agent (a person within your company who also has an active Dialer account), an existing Dialer contact, or you can manually enter a phone number:
After you make your selection click Add and the new participant will be invited to the call.
If the user joins the call, the new party's name (or number) is displayed above the Hang Up button.
A separate set of function buttons (Hold, Transfer, Disconnect) that apply only to the added user will appear above the Hang Up button:
The original in-call action buttons will continue to apply only to the original party (not any of the added participants).
You can add multiple participants to your call by repeating the above steps.
If you click the Hang Up button while on a multi-party call, the End Calls popup will appear:
Clicking Yes disconnects all parties on the call.
Clicking No disconnects only the original party with whom you were connected.
To transfer a call, click the Transfer icon:
A dialog opens with options to transfer the call to an Agent, Contact, Group, or a new phone number:
After selecting the person to transfer the call to, click the Transfer button.
You will then be disconnected and the line belonging to the person you selected will start to ring.