In order to start using the TSYS Reserve Funding integration with Merchant Central, there are setup steps you will need to complete with help from TSYS and, if needed, the Merchant Central Support Team. Once your site is configured you will be able to see an overview of your Reserve Funding as well as manage individual merchant reserves directly from your Merchant Central site.
Getting Started
Step 1: TSYS Set Up
Contact your TSYS relationship manager to request they set up a file transfer for the following files:
- Batch Maintenance Response - to know if requests were approved/declined.
Sample name - IRISCRMP.1234_RF_BMAINT_11132022_123826.TSYSO - Merchant Settings - to know what the current merchant settings are (per department). Sample name - IRISCRMP.1234_DRF_MER_11112022_230914.TSYSO
- Reserve Activity - transactions related to Reserve Funding (hold/release).
Sample name - IRISCRMP.1234_DRES_FUND_11112022_225428.TSYSO
Step 2: Configure TSYS Connection in Merchant Central
Configure your TSYS datasource by going to Manage > Processor Settings and clicking on the Edit Datasource action for your TSYS connection.
In the pop-up, there are 3 pieces of information you’ll need to add if they don’t exist already:
- RF Upload Folder - the SFTP folder where the files will be uploaded. The default is the root folder “/”.
- Batch Maintenance File Prefix - text that will be prepended to each file, the default is BMF.
- Bank Number - 4 digit bank number that you will likely have already if you’ve previously configured your TSYS datasource.
Click Update at the bottom once you’ve added this data.
Step 3: Schedule Reserve Funding Task
Next, you’ll need to enable a scheduled task to keep the Reserve Funding data synced between Merchant Central and TSYS. Go to Manage > Site Options > Schedule Tasks. Click on Add Task at the top. Search for and select TSYS SFTP - Reserve Funding Feeds. Once selected, set the task to run Hourly.
Step 4: Set User Class Permissions
The next setup step is to update the User Class permissions for managing and viewing TSYS Reserve Funding in your Merchant Central site. You will find new permissions for Reserve Funding at the bottom of the Merchant Info section. Enable the appropriate permissions for each user class.
Step 5: Configure Banks and Departments
The final setup step for Reserve Funding is configuring your Banks and Departments. To do this, navigate to Manage > Integrations > TSYS Reserve Funding. Proceed by adding your Bank(s) and Department(s).
Reserve Funding Overview
To see an overview of all merchant Reserve Funding activity, expand the My Merchants menu and click on Reserve Funding.
The first table displays the Reserve Balances of all merchants from highest to lowest for all merchants we are receiving data on from TSYS.
The second table displays the merchant settings history which are the changes for how or when to apply reserves and releases for the merchant. Continue reading to learn how to update a merchant’s settings from the Reserves tab of their merchant record.
The third table shows reserve/release activity history with the most recent activity at the top. This will show any reserves held or funds released for merchants, the relevant Department, and the amount of the reserve or release.
Merchant Reserve Management
In order to see the Reserves tab on TSYS merchant records, you’ll need to make it visible. To do this, navigate to Manage > Processors > Processor Tabs. Select TSYS as the processor at the top, then find the Reserves tab and set Visible as Yes. You can also disable access to the tab by Group, User Class, or User.
The first section on the Reserves tab shows the reserve activity history for that merchant. The most recent activity will be shown at the top. The Date, Department, Activity Type, Amount, and the merchant’s Reserve Balance are shown in this table.
Below Activities you’ll see a section for each department that you’ve configured and its associated settings. The Priority field in the top left indicates which Department will be prioritized for meeting their reserve parameters. The department with 1 as the priority will be the department whose reserve requirements are met first.
The last section on the Reserves tab is the History. In addition to viewing changes to the merchant’s reserves, you can perform actions to make updates to them as well. The actions include:
- Manage Reserve Settings - update the reserve settings for the specific merchant you are viewing.
- Manage Release Settings - update the release settings for the specific merchant you are viewing.
- One Time Reserve - apply a one time reserve of funds for the merchant outside of the regularly applied reserve settings.
- One Time Release - apply a one time release of funds for the merchant outside of the regularly applied reserve settings.
- Transfer Funds On Reserve - transfer merchant’s existing reserve funds from one department to another.