If a lead has multiple users assigned, then you can control how each user will be paid by creating a Group Split (representing the total percentage of the generated revenue that will be paid out to the users), and then dividing the Group Split among the Group's users.
For example, an ISO usually pays out users 20%, but if a manager assists the sales rep with closing the account, the ISO allocates part of the residual to the manager:
- Sales Rep earns 15%
- Manager earns 5%
Instead of manually assigning percentages to each user in this manner, you can take advantage of the CRM's automation and have the percentages assigned automatically.
The automation is achieved by creating one or more Group Combinations. A Group Combination consists of a processor and the group users with their splits.
Whenever an account is boarded with the same processor and the same users as specified in a Group Combination, then the splits defined in such a combination will be automatically applied to each user.
Creating a Group Split and Group Combination
To create a Group Split go to Residuals > Manage Residuals and open the Group Splits tab.
Expand the Group that you wish to edit, and enter the Group Split percentage:
You may always remove or update the Group Split using the Remove Group Split and Update Groups Split buttons.
Next, select the Group Manager(s) and click the Set Group Manager button:
Finally, click Add New Combination:
The Add New Combination popup will appear where you can select a processor and the users that will be a part of the combination:
As you add users and their splits, the list of user splits on the right will automatically populate:
Note that the Manager will always be the first user in the user splits list.
At first, the entire Group Split percentage will appear next to the manager. Then as splits are added to the other users, the newly entered splits will be automatically deducted from the manager split.
When you are done adding user splits click Add and your new combination will be saved:
Each combination can be edited or removed at any point using the action buttons provided on the right.
You can continue adding as many new combinations in the described manner as needed.
Applying the Group Splits When Boarding Merchants
In this example, we show how to the Group Splits are applied automatically when a merchant account is created through the Link option on the lead.
1. Navigate to the desired Lead and click on the Link button in the Actions widget:
2. Enter the new merchant's Account Number in the Create New Account popup:
3. If the account number is not found, then the Add New Account section will appear in the popup, with the user splits initially set to the default split values:
4. Select the Group and Processor that this Merchant will be boarded to. Note that as the Group and the Processor are selected, the user splits will automatically change to show the splits which were configured in the corresponding Group Combination:
5. Confirm the assigned splits and click the Create & Link button. You will now see the new merchant in the Associated Merchant & Lead Records widget.
Click on the gear icon in order to open the Merchant Details page for the new account:
6. The Merchant Record will display the correct splits in the Merchant Access Permission area:
Note: The split will be visible for the current month.