For merchants that are connected to an Integrated Processor in your site, certain details for the accounts are retrieved periodically and will show on their Merchant Details page under the Account Status tab.
To view and export this information, follow the steps below:
1. On the Home Page under the Overview tab, click View All under the Top Performers report:
2. The Viewing Merchants page will open up which contains the following reports:
- Totals by Card Type
- Portfolio Breakdown Chart
- List of All Merchants
Use the Portfolio Breakdown Chart to select if you wish the show the data for Processing, Not Processing, and/or Closed merchants (click on the links in the pie chart legend to enable or disable each of the three merchant categories).
3. In the List of All Merchants report, click the gear icon and type in the names of the columns that you wish to display in your report and in the exported file (check or uncheck the columns as needed):
If needed, you may also change the order of the columns by dragging and dropping column headers in the required position within the table. Any changes you make to the column order will be retained for the next time you visit the page.
4. Click the Export button choose the Excel or CSV file export type. Your merchant data will now be exported and downloaded to your disk:
Note: Sensitive information such as Tax IDs, SSN numbers, Routing numbers, and DDA numbers will be masked in the exported report.