The Dispute Reporting page enables you to view retrieval and chargeback reports in a specific date range and for specific processors, users, and groups.
The reports are available only for those processors that send the retrieval and chargeback data to the CRM. View the Integration Guides for which processors provide this info.
To open the report click on Tools > Dispute Reporting:
The Dispute Reporting page will open as shown in the below example. Use the Gear icon at the top-right to choose your columns. You can also drag-and-drop the columns to set the order for your personal view.
The filters found on top of the report allow you to narrow down the scope of the report by selecting the report Type (Retrieval, Chargeback or both), specific Processors, Users, and Groups:
In the filter section, you can also select a pre-defined date option (e.g. Month To Date) or select a specific date range for your report. This filter uses the Request Date. After you click Search the report will refresh and display the requested information:
Within the report table, you can use the Export button to export your report to Excel or CSV format, and you can also search for specific table entries using the Search box
Your data can also be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column headers:
To view more information on a specific merchant in the report simply click on the DBA or the MID item in the report table and the Merchant Details page will open:
The other items in the row can be used to access the Retrievals or the Chargebacks tab on the Merchant Details page directly (depending on whether the row Type is Chargeback or Retrieval):