The Merchant Management page allows users to manage existing accounts, create new ones, assign users, and residual payout percentages (user splits).
You can access the page from the administration menu (Merchants > Merchant Management):
Here is a screenshot of the Merchant Management page:
The page shows a report of all of your merchants, and you can open any merchant by simply clicking on their row in the report table.
In the top-right corner of the page, you'll find the shortcuts for importing new merchants from a CSV file and adding a new merchant manually:
More info: Merchant Importer, Add New Merchant
Using Merchant Report Filters
Just above the merchant report there are several options for searching and filtering your merchants:
To find a specific merchant by their DBA name or MID number, select the search method and then type the DBA name or the MID number in the search box:
As you type your search phrase the merchant table refreshes automatically to show the matching results.
To view the merchants assigned to a specific user or users, open the Assigned Users filter, and select the required user(s):
As you select users, the report table refreshes automatically showing the required users:
You can narrow down your search even further by selecting additional filters such as the Group, Processor, Datasource, and others using the filter dropdown to the right:
After you select one of the filters, an additional drop-down menu appears that allows you to select a specific option within that filter-type (for example, a specific processor).
After you've selected the desired filter, click on the Add button:
Your filter is now added and the report table refreshes automatically to display the merchants that match all of the selected filters:
If needed, you can remove a filter by simply clicking on the "X" icon on that filter.
Saving Your Search
To save a search for later use, click on the Save Search button, enter a name for the search, and click Save:
You can find your saved searches in the filter dropdown on the right:
Clicking on a saved search automatically applies the search's filters:
To delete a saved search, simply click on the thrash icon shown in the search name bar:
Working With The Merchant Table
The merchant table comes with the standard CRM table features such as column sorting, exporting the table to an Excel or CSV file, and selecting the number of merchants to be shown per page.
If you would like to view information on deactivated merchants in your report simply click on the "Show Deactivated Merchant" checkbox in the table header.
To show additional columns in your merchant report click on the gear icon in the top-right corner and select the columns you need:
Merchant Mass Actions
The Mass Actions enable you to perform different kinds of actions on selected merchants, such as changing the merchants' group, processor, data source, assigned users, and more.
To perform mass actions simply select your merchants in the merchant table and click on the Mass Actions button:
To select all of the merchants in the current view click on the "Select All Merchants" link just above the merchant table:
The "Select All Merchants" link allows you to easily update all merchants that satisfy specific criteria.
For example, to re-assign merchants from one user to another, first use the "Assigned Users" filter to filter for merchants belonging to a user.
Then after the report table is updated, use the "Select All Merchants" link to select all of the merchants assigned to the selected user, and finally reassign them using the Mass Actions button.
When you click on the Mass Actions button a popup window appears where you can select the actions to be applied to the selected merchants, as shown in the below screenshot example:
Note: The "Set Splits For" section in the popup is displayed only if there is at least one user who has been assigned to all of the selected merchants.
After you select the changes to be made to the merchants click on the Update button.
A confirmation popup now appears showing a summary of changes that are about to be made to the selected merchants.
Review the changes and if everything looks okay click Confirm to apply the changes:
Once the changes have been made a confirmation message is shown:
The Mass Action popup also allows you to delete selected merchants, by clicking on the Delete button in the lower right corner.
A confirmation popup now appears asking you to confirm the deletion:
If you're certain you wish to proceed, click Confirm and the merchants will be deleted.
Once the merchants have been deleted a confirmation message is shown:
Note: The merchant deletions cannot be undone.
Manage Merchant
To manage an individual merchant account simply click on the pencil icon for that merchant:
A popup window appears showing the merchant's settings and history of activity:
You can now edit the merchant's settings as needed.
When finished click Update and a confirmation popup will appear showing a summary of changes that are about to be made:
Click Confirm to save your changes.
You can use the Merchant History tab to review the changes that have been made to the merchant account over time:
Viewing User Splits
To view the user splits for a specific merchant, hover your mouse over the user icon in the Users column:
If no icon is present then that means that the merchant does not have any assigned users.
To view the historical user splits for merchants shown in the report table, use the month/year filters in the top-left corner of the page:
As you select a new month or year, the % column in the report table will automatically refresh and show the user splits which were set on the selected month and year: