The Lead Data Sharing feature allows ISOs to send and receive lead fields and files between different Merchant Central sites.
The feature makes collaboration between organizations seamless with easy to configure data sharing profiles and a straightforward lead mapping interface that enables administrators to easily map lead fields from one Merchant Central site to another.
There is no limit to the number of data sharing profiles that your organization can create.
You can tailor data sharing to the fields being sent, the organization that data is being shared with, the type of lead, the reason the lead is being shared, or any other workflow that’s unique to your business.
Lead data can be sent manually by a user viewing a specific lead, or automatically using a status change trigger.
With automated status triggers, users don’t have to remember to send the lead data or which profile to use, which helps eliminate any friction in the lead sharing process.
The ability to use and manage lead data sharing is controlled using the 'Manage Lead Data Sharing Transfers' and 'Use Lead Data Sharing Transfers' user class permissions (in My Leads section).
Lead data sharing makes collaborating with partner organizations easier than ever to save time that is better spent focused on selling to the leads being shared.
Continue reading to learn how to share lead data between Merchant Central sites.
How To Share Lead Data
Merchant Central makes sharing lead data with another Merchant Central site easy. You have the power to control which data to send such as specific lead fields and file types.
To start, you’ll create a sender profile on the site that will be sending lead data.
Create Sender Profile
To create an outgoing lead profile, navigate to Manage > Administration > Integrations > Lead Data Sharing and click Add New Outgoing Profile in the Sender Profiles section:
At the top, enter a Profile Name that users will see when choosing a profile to send data.
Then, enter the URL of the Merchant Central site that will be receiving the data:
The checkboxes in the left column control which tabs to include.
When unchecked, the tab and fields associated with that tab will not be included when sending data:
For each included tab, you can now select the fields that will be shared.
By default, each tab includes all of the fields. To only share specific fields remove the All Fields tag from the Included Fields box by clicking the X in the tag:
The Included Fields section now shows all of the tab's fields so that you can remove the ones that you don't need (by clicking X on the fields' tags).
Removed fields will be displayed in the Excluded Fields section on the right so that you can have a clear overview of fields which will be included vs. excluded from data sharing:
After selecting the fields to include, you can move on to the Send Files section and select the types of files that will be sent with the lead.
File sharing is based on document labels. Exclude any labels in the same way as lead fields, by clicking the X on the All tag and specific labels:
Notes sharing is based on Notes types. Exclude any note type in the same way as lead fields, by clicking the X on the All tag and specific note types:
Select this option under the Send Notes section if you would like to enable users to exclude specific notes from lead data sharing on the fly:
Once you finish configuring your sharing preferences, click Add at the bottom of the page to create your new sender profile:
The new profile is now shown in the Sender Profiles table as shown in the screenshot below.
Note that the profile is initially saved as an inactive profile (indicated by a red dot in the Status column). The profile will get activated automatically once the receiving site enables the connection.
The icons in the Actions column allow you to edit or delete the profile at any point:
To complete the Lead Data Sharing connection, copy the token of the profile you’ve created and provide it to the Merchant Central client who will be receiving the data:
Create Receiver Profile
Once the sender profile is created, the receiving site can create a profile to map the data in order to begin getting leads.
On the same Lead Data Sharing Management Page as where the sender profile was created, click Get Profile under Received Profiles.
Here, you’ll enter a name for the profile, the URL of the Merchant Central site that is sending the data, and paste the token that was copied after creating the sender profile.
Once these 3 pieces are entered, click Add Profile to establish the connection between the two sites:
You will now be directed to the field mapping page.
At the top of the page, you will see fields for lead status and group. These will be the defaults for new leads you receive through this profile:
Below, you will see a list of received fields in the left column (along with fields' types such as Text, Checkbox, etc.).
Use the column on the right to map each received field to one of your own lead fields:
Once you finish mapping the fields, go to the bottom of the page and click Activate to enable the lead data sharing connection. Then, click Update to save your changes and begin receiving data:
The Sender Profile is now shown in the list of receiver profiles and marked with a green dot in the Status column to indicate an active connection:
Send Lead Data
After you’ve connected the two Merchant Central sites by configuring the sending and receiving profiles, you will be ready to start sharing leads!
This can be done manually on a specific lead record, or automatically using our status triggers for a status change.
To manually send a lead, open the Actions tab on the lead and click the Share Lead button. Then select the destination profile you wish to use and click the Share button:
A notification that it has been queued to send will pop up in the top right, then a follow up notification will be displayed when it finishes sending:
To automatically send leads, navigate to Manage > Administration > Leads > Status States & Triggers, find the status that will be the trigger to send a lead, and click Configure Status Triggers on it:
Next, select the Trigger on Status Change tab, click the Add New Trigger button, and check the last Send to External CRM option.
Finally, select the profile to use for sending lead data from the dropdown and click Add to complete the status trigger setup:
Going forward, any lead that moves into this status will automatically be sent to the receiver from the profile selected so your users don’t manually have to send leads.
Sharing Lead Notes
Once the lead data sharing is activated, a new checkbox will appear in the lead Notes on the sender's side that allows the user to choose if a lead note will be shared with the recipient site or not:
The lead notes filters will also include a new option for viewing lead notes that have been shared with the recipient site:
Lead Data Sharing Permissions
In order to control who can share lead data between Merchant Central sites and manage the profiles, we’ve added two new user class permissions.
To manage the permissions navigate to Manage > Administration > User Classes and select Permissions for the user class that you want to enable lead sharing on:
At the bottom of the My Leads section you will find the new permissions: Manage Lead Sharing Transfers and Use Lead Data Sharing Transfers.
The Manage Lead Sharing Transfers option gives users in this user class the ability to configure sending and receiving profiles for lead data sharing. Note that only Administrator level user classes are allowed to have this permission.
The Use Lead Data Sharing Transfers permission enables users to manually send a lead from a lead record. Without this permission, users won’t see the Lead Data Sharing section on the right side of lead records.