New Features
Released 08/29/2017 - 08/31/2017
- A new Dispute Reporting page is now available which enables users to view retrieval and chargeback reports in a specific time range and for specific processors, users, and groups. The reports are available only for those processors that send the retrieval and chargeback data to your CRM.
Released 08/08/2017 - 08/14/2017
- The CRM introduces integration with TriSource for merchant portfolio reporting. TriSource ISOs can now view monthly merchant information, rate updates, and daily batches. (11013)
Released 08/01/2017 - 08/07/2017
- Your CRM now provides the ability to make changes to existing TSYS merchant accounts through the Helpdesk. (11525)
Released 08/29/2017 - 08/31/2017
- Selected lead fields can now be set as required when the lead is being created and updated. (7813)
- The lead page now reloads correctly in Internet Explorer after the lead has been saved. (11680)
- The Copy field feature on the lead is now also available for the Phone field type. (11788)
- The merchant name in the CRM now gets automatically updated if the name is changed in TSYS. (11656)
Released 08/22/2017 - 08/28/2017
- TSYS merchants' DDA information is now shown on the Account Status tab on the Merchant Details page (under Settlement Information). (11686)
- A new Helpdesk ticket type has been added which enables users to change the Merchant's DDA information for a TSYS merchant. (11526)
- The standard drop-down menu used to select a Template on the Quick Email popup has been replaced with the searchable drop-down so that users may type the name of a Template to locate it. (11640)
- The TSYS datasource pop-up now also has fields for the Bank and BIN information. (11762)
- TSYS batches with the same reference numbers are no longer merged. (11774)
- The <i> tag is no longer displayed on (un)assigned users in the Application History in the Manage Applications page. (11785)
- When a new lead is being created the email field will now be validated before the lead is saved. (11473)
- The Copy field feature on the lead is now also available for the Google Maps field type. (11770)
- If a Merchant's MID number is changed the Helpdesk tickets linked to the previous MID will now be automatically linked to the new MID. (11712)
- The Merchant Importer now accepts non-numeric Month entries (e.g., Sep or September) and Yes is accepted for "Apply to Future Months". (11773)
Released 08/15/2017 - 08/21/2017
- An Outlook Calendar Sync Error (invalid_grant) has been resolved. (11657)
- If unknown fees are detected while a new grid is being added in Manage First Data Grids, the resulting error message will show a list of all such fees. (11610)
- An error with the loading of the E-Sign Document Listing widget has been resolved. (11558)
- If a CSV file being imported with the Lead Importer contains invalidly structured email, phone number, dropdown, or checkbox values, the user will be notified of such occurrences before initiating the import.
- The rules for creating and updating usernames have been updated. (11083)
Released 08/08/2017 - 08/14/2017
- The Proposal Preview pane in the Proposal Generator now stays visible even if the user scrolls down. (11235)
- When a Merchant is closed, the Merchant users who have access to a single Merchant account will be deactivated. Merchant users with multiple closed Merchants access will also be deactivated. (11494)
- Non-System Admin users are no longer able to view user sessions for System Admin users on the "Who Is Online Activity" page. (11315)
- When a page is refreshed on a lead it will open in the same tab that was open before the page refreshed, and not in the first tab. (11306)
- Elavon Applications now show the correct statuses in TurboApp Underwriting Status. (11632)
Released 08/01/2017 - 08/07/2017
- The Proposal Generator now correctly includes the AMEX rates and savings in its calculation. (11484)
- First Data Wholesale TurboApp now has a new option for selecting the MFC Grid Level. (11466)
- The Lead Importer now has the ability to apply default values to selected fields when the CSV file being imported does not contain any values for such fields. (11034)
- The residual year on the Merchant Merchant page can now be set in the future. (9997)
- The Proposal Generator's Effective Rate is now correctly cleared if the Volume is removed. (11335)
- An issue where more than 5 popup notifications appeared on user's screen in some instances has been resolved. (11528)
- The Formats page which is shown while importing residual reports has now been visually modified in order to be easier to understand and use. (2763)
- When a Merchant account is closed the merchant users will be automatically unassigned. (10851)
- TransFirst batch/transaction dates are now being correctly parsed regardless for all time zones. (11588)