New Features
Released 06/15/2017 - 06/21/2017
- The CRM introduces integration with Elavon for merchant portfolio reporting. Elavon ISOs can now view monthly merchant information, rate updates and daily batches. (9330)
Released 06/08/2017 - 06/14/2017
- Your CRM is now integrated with Google Calendar. When you create a new appointment or task in the CRM, the Lead’s important contact information will automatically transfer into the synced Google Calendar. Your Google event will then show information on who the meeting is with, the meeting address, the contact’s phone number as well as a direct link to the CRM Lead. Additionally your sales reps can now add their meeting notes right from the Google Calendar mobile app. Any notes entered into the Google Calendar event will appear on the Lead automatically as a new lead Note. (9405)
Released 06/01/2017 - 06/07/2017
- The CRM now provides clients with the ability to set up security alerts and get notified about suspicious activity on your site in real time. The security alerts can be configured with several pre-defined trigger events such as login attempts during non-office hours, login attempts from a non-office IP address, multiple failed login attempts or attempts to download large amounts of data. (9254)
Released 06/29/2017 - 06/30/2017
- An issue with report widgets not working properly if there are multiple report widgets on the dashboard has been resolved. (11231)
- System Admin users are no longer visible to non-System Admin users in Helpdesk. (11142)
Released 06/22/2017 - 06/28/2017
- The "Changed" time column is now being sorted correctly in the assigned user's history on the Manage Merchant page. (11167)
- The default residual month selected on the Manage Merchant page is now correctly set to the current month. (11260)
- All four columns in the Deposits tab on the Merchant Details page are now being sorted correctly. (10693)
- The "Application Processor" dropdown is now shown on the New Application page in Turboapp allowing users to select a different processor if needed. (11279)
Released 06/15/2017 - 06/21/2017
- A new ability has been added to the Calendar allowing users to assign a Lead to a created task. Once assigned, the task will appear on the Lead, and any changes made in the task on the Lead will automatically be shown in the calendar task as well. (11199)
Released 06/08/2017 - 06/14/2017
- Email addresses used during sign-up are now correctly showing up in Group Settings on the Manage Groups page. (11123)
- When assigning a user to a merchant from the Manage Merchant or Manage Users pages the user will be marked as the Primary user by default (if no other "non-Merchant" users have already been assigned). (11124)
Released 06/01/2017 - 06/07/2017
- The "Modified By" information on the Pricing Templates (Lead Fields) page now gets correctly updated only when a template has been modified and not for any other events, such as changing the position of the template on the page. (10884)
- An issue with the Residuals report import failing when the report has more 2500 rows has been fixed. (11036)
- Content of drop-down fields in the Lead Overview and Lead Report widgets is now appearing correctly in search results. (10848)
- Adding a comment and an attachment in a Helpdesk ticket no longer causes an error to occur. (11029)
- When a new group is created on the Manage Groups page the entered group name will now also automatically populate the Group Display Name field. (11070)
- When updating their passwords users now will not be able to re-use any of the previously used four passwords or to use a password which starts with a space. (10923)
- Residuals imports can now be performed with a minimum of 3 columns (except for First Data Omaha residuals which require a minimum of 5 columns). (10970)
- An error message stating "PayPal Opt-Out Reason Must Be "05" (Unsolicited)" and which occurred in TurboApp even when reason was set to "Unsolicited" has been fixed. (11096)
- The "Residuals - Prepare Residual Reports" task is now correctly created for reports affected when a template is assigned in the "Bulk-Assign Templates" tab on the Manage Residuals page. (11084)
- The Modified date now stays unchanged after the order of the processors has been changed on the Manage Processors page. (375)
- The "Lead Fields Mappings to TurboApp" page has been refactored to improve the loading speed and make it easier to use. The Lead and Turboapp columns have been swapped and all Turboapp fields are now shown on three tabs that correspond to TurboApp pages. Each tab features a pagination widget at the bottom. (10466)