To send an email from your CRM, click on the Quick Email icon in any email field:
The email window pops up as shown in this image:
Here are a few notes on the email window fields:
- The Contact Email field is automatically filled in with the recipient's email address and you are the sender.
- If you're set up with multiple email addresses in the CRM, you can send the email from the appropriate address by selecting it in the Sender Email dropdown.
- The Template dropdown allows you to select a different email template if needed. When you select an email template then the subject line, preview text, and the email body text are automatically updated based on the selected template. More info: Adding/Editing Email Templates.
The Preview Text (or the email preheader) is a short summary text that follows the subject line when an email is viewed in the recipient's inbox prior to opening:
As you're entering your template's subject and the preview text, a preview of the text is generated automatically so you can see exactly what your client will see in their preview:
Note that the preview text is limited to a maximum of 150 characters.
If a preview text has not been entered, then the recipient's inbox will shows only the initial part of the received email.
By using a custom and targeted preview text you can improve your email open rates.
If you need to edit your email click on the Edit button and your email opens up in edit mode:
If you have a headset, you can also speak instead of typing your email.
More info: Using Speech Recognition
After you finish editing your email click Done and your changes will be saved.
To send the email click Send Email. A confirmation message then appears indicating that the email was sent successfully:
Once the email is sent a new note is added to your lead on the Notes tab:
To view the sent email click on the envelope icon on the note.
Quick Email Icon
The Quick Email icon appear in lead fields that are configured as Quick Email fields in the field settings. More info: Adding & Editing Lead Fields.
The Quick Email icon may also appear in email fields on the Profile tab of the Merchant Details page (if you linked your lead to a merchant account).
In this case, you can also send your emails from the Merchant Details page after which the email note is added to the lead Notes tab.
Email Scheduling
The CRM includes the ability schedule the email sending for a later time.
For more information please see our article on Email Scheduling.
User Email Verification
New CRM users need to verify their email address before being able to send out emails.
When a new user attempts to send an email without having verified their email address, a warning icon is shown on the email popup, next to the Sender Email field.
The user needs to click the icon in order to verify their email address:
Once the icon is clicked, a verification email is sent to the user with an activation link:
The warning icon now changes to show that the the email verification is in process:
After the user verifies their email address the warning icon will disappear and the user will be able to begin sending emails from the CRM normally.