The Time Zone Autofill field is a special lead field that automatically selects an appropriate time zone based on the ZIP number entered in the associated ZIP code field.
Create The Time Zone Autofill Field
To add a new Time Zone Autofill field to your lead navigate to Manage > Administration > Leads > Manage Lead Fields and open the tab you wish to edit.
Then click Add New Field, enter the name of the field, and select the Time Zone Autofill field type and the associated ZIP code field:
When you're done click Add and the new field will be added.
Here is the screenshot of the Time Zone Autofill field on the lead and the ZIP code field it is associated to:
Using The Time Zone Autofill Field
When you enter a new ZIP in the ZIP Code field the associated Time Zone Autofill field updates automatically to show the correct time zone based on the entered ZIP number.
In the below example, we entered 10001 in the Zip 1 field, and the Contact 1 Time Zone dropdown was updated automatically to show the Eastern time zone:
Whenever the Time Zone Autofill field gets updated a notification message will appear in the upper right corner as shown in this screenshot example:
Note that you can also change the time zone by manually selecting a time zone in the dropdown menu and saving the lead.
If you select a time zone manually then the autofill function will be disabled for that field.
Changing the ZIP Code number after that point will no longer cause the Time Zone Autofill field to update automatically.
Time Zone Autofill Field And The Power Dialer
If there is no Time Zone Autofill field on a tab (or a time zone had not been selected), then the Power Dialer displays the location of the person called based on the phone number's area code:
If the Time Zone Autofill field has been added and time zone selected, then the Power Dialer displays the selected time zone:
In case you added multiple Time Zone Autofill fields to your lead, then the phone number fields will be associated automatically to the first Time Zone Autofill field found above it.
In the below example, when a user dials one of the first two phone numbers the Power Dialer will display the Eastern time zone because the first Time Zone Autofill field shows the Eastern time zone.
If the user dials one of the other two phone numbers then the Power Dialer will display the Pacific time zone because the second Time Zone Autofill field shows the Pacific time zone.