NMI is a leading unified commerce enablement platform that enables ISOs to add additional value for their merchants.
It serves as a private label payment gateway that provides many additional cutting-edge features to generate new revenue.
Merchant Central's NMI Gateway Integration empowers your ISO to streamline the merchant onboarding process by boarding merchants to NMI directly from the CRM.
In the past, ISOs would need to board new merchants by entering merchant information into NMI manually. This was a process that took time and could potentially result in costly data entry errors.
By using the NMI gateway integration, ISOs can now board merchants using the information that already exists in the CRM, which means that the onboarding can be completed in under 10 seconds and with zero data entry errors.
Once the NMI integration is enabled in your CRM, a new ticket type called "NMI – Create Gateway Account" will be added automatically to the CRM's Helpdesk. You can use this ticket to board merchants to NMI either from the Helpdesk or the Merchant Details page in the CRM.
The ticket comes with all of the options you need to set up pricing for your new NMI gateway accounts on the fly, and to enable powerful value-added services to help merchants gain access to new features while helping ISOs grow.
The NMI integration currently supports Chase Paymentech Tampa, Elavon, First Data Nashville, First Data Omaha, TSYS, and Worldpay networks.
Additional processors will also be added based on demand.
Enabling Merchant Central’s NMI Boarding Integration
To configure the integration, take the following steps:
1. Log in to your NMI gateway account and note the login URL which should be in the following format: https://yourcompany.transactiongateway.com/resellers
2. Generate your API Key by navigating to Settings > Security Keys:
Enter a Key Name, select your user and the 'V4 API' permission, and click Create a New Key:
Your key is now generated and you can find it in the list of the current security keys.
Click the Copy link next to the key to copy your key to clipboard:
3. Back in Merchant Central, navigate to Manage > Administration > Integrations and click on the NMI option (or simply search for 'NMI' in the search box on top of the Administration page):
4. The New Account page is now shown where you can enter the credentials for your new account.
Note that you can enable multiple reseller accounts if needed.
Enter the name of your new account including the reseller login URL and the API key. If you're adding multiple accounts and this will be your default account, then select the "Is Default" checkbox.
Once you're done, click the Test API Key button:
5. If the entered credentials were correct a confirmation message is shown in the top-right corner.
You can now click the Create New Account button to add the new account:
The new account is now been created and shown in the NMI Reseller Account dropdown.
If needed you can update and save the account credentials or delete the account using the buttons below the account credentials:
6. To add an additional account, click the Add New Reseller Account button and repeat the steps for adding the new account:
Once the additional account is added it will be shown in the NMI Reseller Account dropdown which you can now use to switch between different accounts:
Managing NMI Integration Settings
To manage the settings for an enabled NMI reseller account, select that account in the NMI Reseller Account dropdown and scroll down the page to edit its settings.
The settings are grouped under three sections including:
- Merchant Required Fields
- Default Sub-Affiliate Plans, Fees, and Services
- Advanced Merchant Features
Merchant Required Fields
Use the Merchant Required Fields section to select the customer data that will be required by default for the transactions they process.
All of the options you would normally see in your Affiliate Portal can be selected including name, address, driver’s license, SSN, and CVV requirements:
Once you've made your selections click the Save Required Fields button to save your preferences.
Default Sub-Affiliate Plans, Fees, and Services
One of the most exciting parts of the NMI boarding integration is setting an existing sub-affiliate plan, including its associated fees, as the default to use when boarding a new merchant.
Additionally, you can select the default services to include such as invoicing, iSpyFraud, mobile payments, and more:
If your existing plans and fee schedules don’t align with your needs, you can create a custom fee schedule right from Merchant Central to be used as the default:
After you complete your setup click on the Save Defaults button to save your changes.
Advanced Merchant Features
After selecting the merchant’s required fields and default fees and services, it is also possible to select which advanced merchant features to enable by default when boarding merchants.
By setting these up, you’ll be able to save your staff time from having to go into NMI after boarding and updating them to your desired values:
After you've selected the features you wish to enable click the Save Features button at the bottom to save your changes.
Boarding Merchants to NMI
To board a new merchant to NMI simply create a new Helpdesk ticket with the "NMI – Create Gateway Account" ticket type and follow the instructions on the ticket.
More info: Creating NMI Gateway Accounts
Another ticket type called "NMI - Update Gateway Account" is available for updating information on existing NMI merchants.
More info: Updating NMI Gateway Accounts
NMI Value-Added Products & Services
Now that you know how to board merchants directly from Merchant Central to NMI using your NMI Reseller Boarding API credentials, it’s important to learn about the value-added services that can also be enabled at the time of onboarding.
These include the Customer Vault, Invoicing, Mobile Payments, Encrypted Devices, Enhanced Data (Level III), iSpyFraud, QuickBooks SyncPay, and Payer Authentication.
Click here to learn more about each of these value-added features and services.