New Features
Released 10/29/2018 - 10/31/2018
- Your CRM now integrates with First American Payment Systems (FAPS) enabling ISOs to view monthly merchant information, daily batches, and deposit exceptions right inside the CRM. (14946)
Released 10/15/2018 - 10/21/2018
- Users can now select multiple file attachments from the lead and email or delete them. (7004, 7015)
- The Payments tab has been added to the lead enabling organizations to accept credit card or E-Check payments from their leads. (14531)
- The CRM now comes with the First Data North integration for merchant boarding. (9302)
Released 10/29/2018 - 10/31/2018
- Data Source Task Notifications no longer send out duplicate alerts when there are multiple failures during the execution of a task. (15091)
- Non-admin users can no longer add or delete System Email Templates. (6995)
- The TSYS Debit Network and Interchange fees are now shown next to the rate descriptions on the TSYS Default Values page and in the TSYS TurboApp. (15020)
- Editing merchants during the Merchant Import process now works correctly and without exceptions. (15110)
- An issue with the Field Label values not being saved correctly on the Manage Lead Fields page has been resolved. (15134)
- Helpdesk tickets are now grouped correctly on the Tickets tab of the Merchant Details page. (15121)
- The Merchant Importer now correctly updates the user splits when the months being imported are saved in textual form (e.g. January, Jan, etc.) (15113)
- Discover Debit discount is now pulled from the correct Business Track field. (15123)
- The Portfolio Activity page now also shows information on merchants with no linked datasources. (15108)
- Leads found using Dupe Checker now open in new tab when clicked. (11016)
- Long task descriptions are no longer cut off on the Lead page. (15107)
- The look and proportions of merchant graphs on the home dashboard tables have been improved. (14980)
Released 10/22/2018 - 10/28/2018
- The Manage Lead Fields page has been updated with several UI improvements. (14150)
- Several issues found with the Start Date drop-down on the TSYS Default Values page have been fixed. (15073)
- Adding comments with attachments to Helpdesk Tickets now works without errors. (14987)
- The Total Duplicate Leads number link on the Lead Importer page now opens the list of duplicate leads correctly. (15079)
- The ability has been added to pull the lead information via the Lead API based on a lead field. (14964)
- The Vantiv TurboApp now has options for EBT fees. (14719)
- The Merge Duplicates option on the POST Token has been extended with the options to update Status, Users, and Campaign & Lead Source. (15032)
- The number of imported leads shown in the Lead Importer after an import has been completed now links to the My Leads page where the new leads can be reviewed. (7008)
- The Pricing Grid ID fields in the First Data TurboApp have been replaced by a Credit and a Debit MPG ID field for each card brand. (13002)
- The Top Performers widget on the Home Page now shows only the primary datasources in the Datasources List. (11489)
- The Add Ticket and the Add Comment buttons on the Helpdesk ticket are now greyed out when clicked in order to prevent users from clicking on them again while the ticket or the comment is being added. (15103)
- The Deposits tab on the Merchant Details no longer shows duplicate batches. (15062)
- Tickets shown in the Helpdesk Tickets view can now be opened by clicking anywhere in the table row, and the rows can be right-clicked to get the ticket address. (15110)
- The Imported Residuals Reports tab now has a new column for Deactivated Merchants. (13613)
- The Helpdesk email templates now have a new placeholder for ticket assignees. (13248)
- Clicking on the Back button no longer causes the same TurboApp to be created again from the lead page. (15080)
Released 10/15/2018 - 10/21/2018
- The incoming chat tone volume has been increased. (15002)
- The rules for applying default splits for past and future months in the Merchant Importer have been improved to account for several typical scenarios. (14992)
- Files with special characters can now be uploaded to lead correctly via POST API. (15037)
- The imported leads now show with the correct status on the My Leads page. (14835)
- The filters on the My Leads page are now correctly re-applied after the user returns to the page. (15030)
- A validation error message will now be shown if a user submits the First Data TurboApp with the combined size of the attachments exceeding 11MB. (15011)
- The time formatting for file uploads and proposals on a lead has been adjusted to standard 12-hour formatting. (10553)
- The Sales Metrics page now includes information on confirmed appointments. (14828)
- When the owner type in the First Data Retail TurboApp is set to "Sole Proprietorship" then the TIN type will be automatically set to SSN. (14501)
- An issue has been resolved where a user was assigned to a Helpdesk ticket multiple times. (14627)
- The TSYS TurboApp has been updated with several improvements for managing equipment information and default values. (14336)
Released 10/08/2018 - 10/14/2018
- Disabled users are now marked with a red dot in the lead or merchant assignments, in group splits, and on the Merchant Details page. (186)
- The SMS notifications for deposits, retrievals, and chargebacks are now sent out correctly. (15017)
- The tasks and appointments widget UI has been improved on the home, lead, and calendar pages. (14935, 14943, 14944)
- The First Data Boarding API has been updated with new improvements and abilities as per the October API release from First Data. (14704)
- The TSYS TurboApp now supports fields with three decimal places. (14609)
- The validation of the Amex Sales Channel Name in the TSYS TurboApp has been updated to allow special characters. (14933)
- Line items now show correctly for managers with Global Split. (14937)
- The mass-reschedule option and the dialer/SMS icons have been added on the Calendar page. (14903)
- The SMS notifications now show the $ sign for dollar amounts. (14997)
- The Vantiv TurboApp now has an option for Ingenico iPP310. (10058)
- The disabled user indicator is now correctly shown on the Manage User page. (14916)
- The North TurboApp now shows the Statement Email Address field when the Statement Delivery option is set to "Online". (14974)
- The listened calls are now correctly reported to the system and their duration updated. (14885)
- The Proposal Generator preview no longer scrolls too far down. (10815)
- When boarding merchants from the lead to the TurboaApp, the default TurboApp field values will no longer be removed in cases where the corresponding lead fields are empty. (14924)
- Updates have been deployed TSYS Express as per the October 2018 Express SDK. (14814)
- A new permission has been added to Disable User Settings Edits. (6998)
Released 10/01/2018 - 10/07/2018
- Several UI issues found in the Email Details popup have been fixed. (13996)
- An incoming group call answered by one of the users in the group is no longer sent to the call queue. (14891)
- The table on the Underwriting Status page no longer overflows due to very long DBA or legal name. (14842)
- After a residuals report with unknown merchants is imported, a confirmation popup will appear on the currently active tab to inform the user that new merchants have been added. (14819)
- The transaction lookup window on the Merchant Details page now comes with pagination which enables faster loading time. (14170)
- The Pricing Templates can now also include checkboxes (in addition to text fields and dropdowns). (14837)
- The leads can now be deleted without first removing assigned users, and restored within 30 days of deletion. (5730)
- The Calendar tasks and appointments can now be set with a time duration. (12632)
- The Residuals Line Items are no longer shown rounded in the line item reports. (14896)
- Updated mappings are now shown correctly on the Manage Mappings tab in Residuals Reports. (14915)
- An issue with redundant spaces appearing in the Helpdesk emails has been fixed. (14988)
- Users no longer show up in the merchant's notes drop-down if they don't have notification permission or have not been assigned to the merchant. (14879)
- The Manage User page now has a new option to "Allow Split To Exceed 100%". (14870)
- Leading zeroes in Residuals calculations will now be trimmed. (14246)