New Features
Released 04/21/2018 - 04/27/2018
- The automated CRM Email Validation feature now enables you to check the validity of email addresses being saved in your CRM and greatly improve your email delivery rates. (12975)
- The default pricing information for the TSYS TurboApp can now be managed in the CRM, using the Default Values page in the Administration area. (12229)
Released 04/21/2018 - 04/27/2018
- The Email Metrics reports now correctly include the rows with zero values when calculating averages. (13590)
- If the MID Number being added while creating a new merchant is longer than 19 digits a corresponding error message will be shown. (13283)
- A confirmation message will now be displayed on the Lead when a Lead Note is saved or edited, or when fields are copied using the Copy button. (13523, 13458)
- The Lead tab permissions list in the Edit Permission popup on the Manage Lead Fields page now stays within the popup boundaries when there is a large number of user classes to select from. (13691)
- The report column sorting on the Portfolio Activity page now works correctly. (13716)
- The Helpdesk ticket comments are now be added without reloading the entire page. (13495)
- The ability to adjust the VIM threshold has been added. (13600)
Released 04/14/2018 - 04/20/2018
- The JavaScript errors on the Preview Residuals page that caused the page to render incorrectly have been fixed. (13667)
- Inactive users will no longer receive Email Notifications. (13633)
- The asterisk character is now an allowed character in the TSYS TurboApp DBA field. (13513)
- The Edit action on the Manage Lead Fields page now opens the edit dialog without undue delay when used repetitively. (13558)
- The issue with an unresponsive Copy Fees button in the TurboApp has been resolved. (13669)
- Spaces are no longer stripped from the Amex Sales Channel Name field in the TSYS TuroboApp. (13610)
Released 04/07/2018 - 04/13/2018
- The missing Amex Rate section has been added to the Vantiv TurboApp preview page. (13425)
- The "If Duplicate Found: fill in Field if empty" option in the Lead Importer now functions as expected. (13612)
- The notes on the Portfolio Activity page are now scrollable and formatted correctly. (13579)
- The Campaign placeholder in Quick Email Templates is now correctly populated with the campaign name. (13518)
- The MPA uploaded in the TSYS TurboApp will now be transferred to Ascentium Leasing together with the other uploaded documents (when the Ascentium option is selected). (13288)
- The Self Enrollment email will now be sent with the Sender Email and Sender Name which are set in the Group Settings. If the group settings have not been configured, then the Sender information will be pulled from meta values instead. (13498)
- The First Data Boarding API has been updated with new improvements and abilities. (13074)
- The Discount Rates table in the Account Status tab on the Merchant Details now shows a new Amex OptBlue discount row for Clientline/Business Track merchants (if the AMEX SALES DISCOUNT fee exists in the Account Fees section). (13606)
- Duplicates that match the same search criteria are now correctly grouped together in the Dupe Checker. (13723)
Released 04/01/2018 - 04/06/2018
- Resizing the browser window no longer causes the filter drop-down to become detached from the gear icon in data tables. (13366)
- When the Notifications Bubble in the top-right corner is clicked it will mark all notifications as read, and when the VIEW ALL link in the bubble drop-down is clicked it will display all notifications with pagination. (13308)
- The User Classes and Users filters on the Dialer Metrics page no longer get disabled after the Groups filter is reset. (13460)
- The Quick Email template selection dropdown on the Lead now correctly shows all the templates that the user has access to and not just the ones that are linked to the user's primary group. (13485)
- Users with merchant_groupwide access can now only see merchants from own group(s) and merchants of subordinates on the Portfolio Activity page. (13284)
- The Lead Dashboard now correctly shows all assigned users in the Assigned Users column, and not only the user that was selected in the user filter. (13500)
- Changing the username and deactivating the user in the same Save action on the Edit User Account page no longer causes the activation email to be sent out. (13504)
- The Lead Status Table Widget on the Homepage now correctly displays unassigned leads in addition to assigned leads. (13557)