New Features
Released 01/15/2021 - 01/21/2021
- The lead fields can now be configured with help tooltips that show up when users hover the lead fields. (26598)
Released 01/08/2021 - 01/14/2021
- A new template has been added for transposed TSYS residual reporting. (23180)
- Emails are no longer sent out to bounced recipients. (25660)
Released 01/29/2021 - 01/31/2021
- An issue with the Closed Date showing incorrectly on the Merchant Management page for users in a different time zone has been resolved. (27701)
- An UI issue found in the lead tooltips has been fixed. (27568)
- The Details Enable/Disable button on the Manage Residuals page (Users tab) can be toggled without refreshing the page. (26958)
Released 01/22/2021 - 01/28/2021
- The File section on existing Helpdesk tickets has been updated to provide the ability to upload new files or attach existing lead files. (25652)
- The validation popups no longer appear on First Data Wholesale Amex and Discover volumes when the options are disabled on the API configuration page. (27661)
- The Control Scan SecureEdge integration now automatically boards new merchants as expected if the API setup is configured to use Sys/Prin. (27668)
- Files removed from Helpdesk ticket comments are now correctly logged in the comment history. (27369)
- The FNS # field is now set as an optional field in the First Data North TurboApp. (27753)
- The TSYS fee structure has been updated as per the PPM fees updates for January 2021. (27130)
Released 01/15/2021 - 01/21/2021
- The Open API now includes new functions for adding Helpdesk SLAs, Due Dates, and New Files. (26129)
- The Last Viewed Merchants widget rows are now clickable. (27333)
- The First Data Omaha TurboApp has been updated with several minor improvements. (27270)
- Field validation has been disabled for TurboApp applications that have already been submitted. (25606)
- An issue in the mobile app where the call in progress drops after another incoming call is dismissed has been resolved. (27341)
- The lead notes timestamps that were off by 5 hours are now showing the correct times in the mobile app. (27147)
Released 01/08/2021 - 01/14/2021
- The Chargeback tab on the Merchant Details page now includes a column for the Invoice # which can be exported to Excel or CSV. (24066)
- The Merchant tabs now show the full timestamp of when the merchant data was last retrieved from the processor. (25319)
- The TSYS Wholesale merchant association number can now be updated from the "Update DBA & Address" maintenance ticket. (26348)
- A few issues with inconsistent padding on the Merchant Details page have been fixed. (27302)
- An issue with incorrect information being displayed on the Appointment Board has been fixed. (27457)
- Spaces and hyphens are now allowed in the Priority TurboApp Owner name fields. (20280)
Released 01/01/2021 - 01/07/2021
- The required "Amex Monthly Volume" field is now automatically disabled in the Priority Payments Wholesale TurboApp when the Amex OptBlue option is not selected. (20281)
- The Equipment section on the Account Status tab of the Merchant Details page has been updated with several UI improvements. (26831)
- The Underwriting Status table can now be searched by Sales Rep, Group, and Processor columns (26843)
- An issue with the popup notification not appearing after an E-Signature app has been signed has been resolved. (27263)
- An issue with email replies sent from the lead not being displayed as email threads in a synced Outlook account has been resolved. (26339)