Your CRM provides you with the ability to label the lead or merchant documents using your own custom labels.
Additionally, when creating and configuring a custom label, you can assign the document Download, Upload and Delete permissions to specific Users, User Classes, or User Groups.
For example, if you create a new label called the Merchant Statement, and enable the Download, Upload, and Delete permissions for the Sales Rep User Class, then all of your Sales Reps will be able to:
- Download a document that has the "Merchant Statement" label applied to it.
- Upload a document and apply the "Merchant Statement" label to it.
- Delete a document that has the "Merchant Statement" label applied to it.
Furthermore, each of the three actions listed above can be limited to only the documents that were generated from a Lead, Merchant, Helpdesk, or via TurboApp.
Adding and Editing Labels
To add a new label open the Manage Document Labels page from the administration menu (Documents > Labels) and click the Add New Label button.
Then enter the name of your new label in the dialog box and click Add:
Your new label will now be added to the list of existing labels. To change the name of the label later, click the Edit button and enter and save the new label name:
Configuring Helpdesk File Behavior
Each file label has settings for determining if and when files on Helpdesk tickets should be copied to the linked lead.
- The default is the 'Automatic' setting.
- You may select the 'Prompt' option if you want the user who is closing a Helpdesk ticket to decide which files are copied to the linked lead.
- Pick the 'Never' option if files with this Label should never be copied to the linked lead.
If the 'Prompt' option is selected for a given Label and files on the Helpdesk ticket have that Label, you will see a popup like below when you click the Resolved button on the ticket. This is where you can select or unselect files, view them, and pick the lead tab under which they will show.
Managing Label Permissions
To edit the label permissions click on the Permissions button:
The Manage Label Permissions pop-up dialog will appear as shown in the below image. The top table is used to add new permissions while the bottom table is used to display existing permissions:
Adding a Permission
To add a new permission, first select the permission Scope (i.e. User, User Class or User Group).
Depending on which scope you chose, the Selection menu will display the options available, and you can then select the required item (e.g. Sales Rep).
Finally, use the Source drop-down to select whether the permissions will be applied to documents originating from a Lead, Merchant, Helpdesk, or the TurboApp:
Note: If you select a user class that does not have access to TurboApp, you will not be able to add the "TurboApp files" permissions for them and they won't see files uploaded from TurboApp.
After you select who the permissions will apply to, you now need to set the label permissions by clicking on the green checkmark icon (permission enabled) or the red "X" icon (permission disabled).
Each time you click on an icon it alternates between the checkmark and the red "X" icons.
After you've selected the required permissions, click the Plus button in the Action column, and your new permissions will be added to the Existing Permissions table. In order to finish applying the new change, click the Save Permissions button:
Note: If a user doesn't have the Delete permissions, then the Delete button and the Delete icons will be disabled (greyed out) on the lead Attachments tab for that type of document:
Updating a Permission
In order to update an existing permission, follow the same steps as when adding a new permission. When you attempt to save the updated permission, and if a permission with the same parameters already exists, then a message will appear asking if you wish to override the previously configured permission:
Click OK and your new updated permission will override the previous one.
Finally, click Save Permissions in order to save your changes:
Deleting a Permission
To delete a specific permission, click on the Delete button in the Action column of the Existing Permissions report:
After the permission has been removed from the report, click on the Save Permissions button on the Manage Label Permissions pop-up to save your changes:
Deleting a Label
To delete an existing label, click on the Remove button:
If a label has been assigned to one or more documents, you will first need to assign those documents to another label, and only then delete it.
If this is the case, a pop-up window will appear where you can select the new label. Then click Move and delete.
The documents will be moved to the new label, while the old label will be deleted: