Your CRM provides the option to create slideshows which can be enabled for selected groups to view on a Home Page tab, or in a popup window that will open when a user logs into the system.
Slides are created by uploading SWF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, or GIF files. When a slideshow is loaded, it will play automatically, displaying each slide for the specific duration configured in the slide settings.
If needed, you can make the slides (or portions of the slides) clickable, so when a user clicks on a slide, a specified URL opens.
The Slideshow Statistics page provides a report where the user can see data on which slides have been viewed and/or clicked and by whom.
Creating a New Slideshow
To create a new slideshow go to Manage > Administration > Home Page > Slideshows & Pop-Ups.
Click Add New Slideshow, enter the slideshow title and settings in the popup dialog, and click Add:
Your slideshow is now saved and will appear in the list of available slideshows:
In order to make your slideshow ready for display, you must now configure groups and slides as described further below.
Adding a Slideshow to Home Page Tab
To add a slideshow to a Home Page tab, click the Configure Groups button:
On the Customize Slideshow Groups page which opens, click the Add New Group button. Enter/select the group settings and click Add:
In order to display your slideshow on a Home Page tab, check the Slider radio button shown in the image above.
Once you have saved your new group, click the Configure Slides button:
Click the Add New Slide button. Upload an image or Flash file, set the slide duration time, and click Add:
Your new slide is now saved. Click Continue and repeat the process to add additional slides if needed:
Once you've added all your slides, go to Manage > Administration > Home Page > Home Tabs. Locate the tab on which you would like the slideshow to display and click Add/Remove Components:
Click Add New Component, select the Custom Slideshow component type and click Add:
Click Set Slideshow, select the slideshow you just created and click Save:
Your slideshow is now ready for viewing on the selected Home Page tab:
Adding a Slideshow to a Popup Window
To configure your slideshow to appear in a popup window after a user logs in, return to the Add New Group dialog on the Customize Slideshow Groups page. Select the Popup (On Login) radio button and click Add:
Next, click the Configure Login Based Display button on the slideshow:
In the popup dialog, enter the number of times that you would like the slideshow to appear for the user. You may also select the Repeat checkbox if you like the slideshow to play on a loop until the user stops it:
Once your settings are saved, the new popup slideshow will appear whenever users belonging to the selected User Group log into the system:
Configure Triggers
In order to make a whole slide or a part of a slide act as a clickable hotspot, click Configure Triggers on the desired slide:
Select if you want the entire image or just a selected area of the image to act as a hotspot and enter the URL to which the user will be redirected. If needed you can set the URL to open in a new window.
You may also enable an option to receive an automatic email notification whenever someone clicks on the hotspot:
When enabling email notifications, select the user class to be notified. All users of that user class will be notified.
If the Merchant user is shown the image, you may also want to select the Only Assigned option next to the user class so that only the users assigned to that merchant will be notified. For example, if you have an image advertising Cash Advance, when the merchant signs in and clicks on that image to learn more about the service, the assigned Sales Rep would be notified so they can reach out to the merchant.
To create a hotspot on a specific area in the image, click the Click to Select Area button shown on the image above. Your slide will open so you can select the desired area for the hotspot:
Once you release your mouse, a prompt will appear asking you to confirm the selected area as a hotspot. Click OK and the hotspot will be created.
Also, the Configure Click Triggers dialog will display the coordinates of the hotspot on your image:
The next time that image is displayed, users will be able to click on the hotspot and open the target URL: