The CRM Status Triggers enable you to manage the flow of your leads more efficiently by automatically performing different kinds of tasks which are based on a status change or a status age.
For example, you can have the following tasks performed automatically whenever a status is changed or a specific time threshold is passed:
- Notify a User of the Status Change
- Send an email to a lead/merchant
- Change a Status
- Assign users to a lead
- Unassign users from a lead
- Disable a user linked to a lead
We recommend that you use this worksheet to plan the activities that you wish to use status triggers for, prior to adding them in the CRM.
For convenience, the worksheet includes two examples of status triggers that are based on status change and status age.
Setting Up the Status Age Trigger
To set up a new Status Age trigger, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Manage > Leads > Status States & Triggers, and click Add/Remove States in the appropriate status category:
2. Each status category can include multiple statuses. To set up a trigger for a particular status, click the Configure Status Triggers button on that status:
3. The Manage Status Triggers page now opens up, with the Trigger on Status Age tab selected by default:
4. Click the Add New Trigger button to show the options for the new trigger.
Next, select the actions that you would like to perform and the Age Threshold for when those actions will be triggered (in days, hours, or minutes):
Note: Select the "Count Business Days Only" checkbox to avoid having triggers execute on weekends.
When finished click Add to save your trigger. Saved triggers are displayed in the lower half of the page:
To edit a saved trigger click on the pencil icon on that trigger:
The trigger’s settings are now shown in a popup where you can edit them and save your changes:
Status Age Trigger Actions
Below are the descriptions of the actions that are automatically triggered when a lead stays in a specific status for a pre-determined period of time.
Send Email to User
Sends an email to a selected user or user classes assigned to the lead:
Send Email to Lead
Sends an email to the lead's email address(es) saved in the selected lead email fields:
If a Custom Property value has been selected on the lead, then you can also choose to send a different email template based on the selected value:
Click the Add button to add as many Value/Template pairs as need. To delete a Value/Template pair, click the red 'delete' icon to the right of the value.
If needed, you can send out an additional follow-up email (or emails) after the first email goes out.
To do so, select the "Enable Threaded Follow-Up" option and then select the time delay (from sending the first email out) and the email template:
Repeat those steps to add additional follow-up emails as needed.
Send SMS to Lead
Sends an SMS message to the selected lead phone number(s).
You can also select the CRM user whose information will be shown in the SMS message as well as the appropriate sender number:
If needed, you can send out an additional follow-up SMS messages after the first SMS goes out.
To do so, select the "Enable Follow-Up" option and then select the time delay (from sending the first SMS out) and the SMS template:
Notification By Field
Sends an email to an address saved in the selected lead email field.
Change Status
Changes the lead's current status to a new selected status.
Assign Users
Assigns selected users to the lead that activated the current trigger.
You can assign users to every lead that activates the trigger, use the round-robin assignment method (which ensures users are assigned to leads proportionately from a pool of set users), or both.
Users that were unassigned from a lead by a certain status will not be reassigned to the same lead by the same status even if the status is used multiple times on the lead or a status age trigger is used to assign a new user.
This helps ensure that if you need to move the lead to a new user, they won't be removed and added back to it by a status trigger that's assigning and unassigning from the same list of users.
Unassign Users
Unassigns users in the selected user class(es) from the Lead after meeting the age threshold:
Disable User
Disables the user that corresponds to the lead.
Create Helpdesk Ticket
Creates a new ticket with selected ticket type, subject, and description:
Set Sender From Email
This option is used to set the email from which the notifications will be sent when the trigger is activated:
You can select the email using one of four options:
- Group Settings: Use the email settings of the lead's group when sending this email.
- Acting User: Select this option to have the notification sent from the user who changed the lead's status last. If the status was not changed by a user, then the notification is sent using the Group's default sender.
Select User: Select from one of the existing CRM users. The notifications will be sent from this user always.
Custom Sender: Enter a custom email address which is not registered to any user in the CRM. The notifications will be sent from this email address always.
Status Trigger Email Templates
When you're creating an email template to be used in conjunction with the Status Triggers, you can insert the following placeholders in the template to populate in the email (including any custom fields on your lead):
- Current status name: {%new_status_name%}
- Full status name: {%lead_statusandgroup_name%}
- Time in status: {%status_age%}
- Campaign: {%lead_campaign_name%}
- Source: {%lead_source_name%}
- List of Assigned Users: {%lead_assigned_users%}
- Latest note: {%lead_notes_1%}
- Upcoming Task:{%upcoming_lead_task%}
- Upcoming Appt:{%upcoming_lead_appointment%}
- Group Internal Name: {%group_internal_name%}
- Group Display Name{%group_display_name%}
- Group Tech Supp #: {%group_tech_support_phone%}
- Cust Serv #: {%group_customer_service_phone%}
- Group URL: {%group_site_url%}
- Group Logo: {%group_logo%}
- Group Email: {%group_contact_email%}
- Group Fax: {%group_contact_fax%}
- Latest note: {%lead_notes_1%}
- Upcoming Task:{%upcoming_lead_task%}
- Upcoming Appt:{%upcoming_lead_appointment%}
Setting Up the Status Change Trigger
To set up a Status Change trigger open the Trigger on Status Change tab and follow the same procedure as with the Status Age trigger:
Note that the actions on the status change trigger are somewhat different from those on the status age trigger. The 'Change Status' action is not available, and two other actions are available including 'Auto Board to TSYS FSP TurboApp' and 'Set Date & Time in Lead Field'.
Below is a screenshot of the available status change trigger actions:
The "Set Date & Time in Lead Field" action records the time when the status change occurred and saves the time in the selected fields (which must be of the Date & Time field type).
Auto Board to TSYS FSP TurboApp
ISOs that use the TSYS FSP TurboApp integration have the option of auto boarding a lead to the TSYS FSB TurboApp when the lead is moved to a selected status state:
If the auto boarding fails for any reason, then the lead can be moved to a separate status state (for example 'TSYS FSP Auto Board Fail') so that the agent can note the lead and board them manually.