You can add images to your email templates in one of the following ways:
- By pasting an image directly into a template.
- By dragging an image from your disk and dropping it in the template.
- By uploading a selected image and saving it in the template.
- By adding a link to an externally hosted public image.
For more information on editing email templates please see our article on Email Templates.
Pasting the Image
In order to paste an image into your email template first copy the image in your image editor, then position your cursor in the location on the template where the image will appear, and finally paste the image.
Your image will now be automatically uploaded in the CRM and shown in the template:
Once your image is saved in the template you can right-click on the image and cut, copy, or paste it (within the same email template or a different one), as well as view or change the image properties:
Drag & Drop
Moving an image into the email template can also be done by dragging the image from your file explorer and dropping it in the appropriate location within the template:
After you drop your image it will be automatically uploaded in the CRM, similarly as when you copy/paste the image.
You may upload images in one of the following image formats:
Uploading the Image
In order to upload an image from your disk and save it in your email template, follow these steps:
- Position your cursor in the location on the template where the image will appear.
- Click on the image icon in the HTML editor toolbar.
- Choose a file from your disk and click OK.
- After your image gets uploaded, configure the additional image options if needed and click OK.
- After you finish editing your template save and close it.
Here is an example screenshot showing the first three steps listed above:
The following screenshot shows the image options which you can configure in Step 4 listed above:
Adding an Externally Hosted Public Image
In order to insert an external public image into your email template, follow these steps:
- Position your cursor in the location on the template where the image will appear.
- Click on the image icon in the HTML editor toolbar (shown in the previous example).
- In the Image Properties popup which appears open the Image Info tab.
- Enter the URL which links to your public image in the provided text box. If the image is found, it will automatically be displayed in the image Preview box.
- After your image appears in the Preview box, configure the additional image options if needed and click OK.
- After you finish editing your template save and close it.
Important: The URL must link to a publicly available image, otherwise the image will not appear in the Preview box (nor in your emails after they're sent out).