New Features
Released 10/22/2022 - 10/28/2022
- Merchant Central now supports an unlimited number of top-level affiliate reseller accounts enabling ISOs to board merchants into multiple NMI reseller relationships. (38937)
Released 10/08/2022 - 10/14/2022
- The ability to undo the lead import operation is now available in the Lead Importer. (28947)
Released 10/29/2022 - 10/31/2022
- The Lead Data Sharing feature now includes the ability to share lead notes. (35143)
Released 10/22/2022 - 10/28/2022
- An issue with dropdown-to-checkbox mappings in e-signature documents has been resolved. (39069)
- A UI issue found in the visual PDF mapper (mapped fields failing to turn green) has been fixed. (40450)
- The Status column on the Lead Data Sharing page now shows a green or a red dot to indicate if a Sender Profile is active or inactive. (40182)
- Web forms can now be duplicated into a different group. (40315)
- The TSYS merchant's seasonal monthly fees can now be managed from the 'Update Merchant Status' ticket. (38966)
Released 10/15/2022 - 10/21/2022
- The Fiserv Omaha TurboApp has been updated with new improvements and abilities as per the October API release from Fiserv. (39328)
- The Fiserv North TurboApp has been updated with new improvements and abilities as per the October API release from Fiserv. (39326)
- The Zapier integration now supports three new functions including 'Assign User By Email Address', 'Add File To Lead', and 'Allow Finding Lead to Update Using Other Fields'. (34465, 34387, 33113)
- Fiserv Omaha and Nashville processors have been added to the list of processors in the NMI boarding ticket. (40187, 40186)
- The option to automatically configure TSYS PPM annual and one-time fees and dates has been added in the TSYS Wholesale TurboApp. (26187)
Released 10/08/2022 - 10/14/2022
- The Open API now includes a function for creating new CRM users. (17139)
- A reporting discrepancy between batches and deposits found on the My Merchants page has been fixed. (39007)
- An issue with completed e-signature document returning a value for a lead field that was not mapped for e-signature has been resolved. (39324)
- An issue with the signers popup window closing unexpectedly when the email address is selected has been resolved. (40288)
- An UI issue found in the linked records dialog on the Merchant Profile page has been fixed. (38391)
Released 10/01/2022 - 10/07/2022
- Administrators can now export user activity reports from the 'Who is Online Activity' page. (40108)
- The Add/Edit Fee popup in the TurboApp now comes with additional validation to ensure that all fees are saved correctly. (39801)
- An issue with users not being able to search the Association number in the Board Merchant popup on the lead has been resolved. (40061)
- The Profile tab on the Merchant Details page now includes a pricing details for TSYS retail merchants. (38953)
- The Lead Data Sharing feature has been updated with several UI and other improvements. (39791)