Refreshing your browser page or clearing your DNS cache might often resolve many of the functional or formatting issues that you may encounter over time.
In this article, we provide several ways in which you can refresh your system and in that way hopefully resolve any issues that you come across.
If refreshing the system doesn't resolve an issue you found, please contact CRM support for further assistance.
Refresh Page
To refresh the page you are viewing in your browser click the Refresh icon near the address bar, or hit the F5 key or the Ctrl+R keys on your keyboard.
Hard Refresh Page
A hard refresh clears your browser cache automatically and loads the page as it is stored on the server.
To perform a hard refresh, you can use one of the following methods:
- Press Ctrl+F5 on your keyboard
- Press Ctrl+Shift+R on your keyboard
- Press the F12 key on your keyboard, right-click on the Refresh icon in your browser, and click Hard Reload or Empty Cache and Hard Reload:
Clear Browser Cache
Clearing your browser cache is often the first step in troubleshooting any browser-related issues.
For more information on how to clear the browser cache please see our article on Clearing Your Browser Cache.
Use an Incognito Window
Using an incognito window is in many ways equivalent to clearing your browser cache since the incognito browser mode does not store cookies on your disk or save website data in your cache.
You may use the incognito window as a faster alternative to clearing your browser cache, or if you do not want to clear the cache.
To open an incognito window in Chrome simply hit Ctrl+Shift+N on your keyboard, or choose a New incognito window from the Chrome menu.
Other browsers also feature a similar "incognito" functionality.
Use Command Prompt to Clear the DNA Cache
Clearing the DNA cache on your system is yet another way in which you may potentially resolve any browser-related issues.
To clear the DNA cache, press the Windows+R keys on your keyboard, and in the Run dialog which opens up, type cmd and click OK:
Your Command Prompt window will now open. Type ipconfig /flushdns in the window and hit the Enter key on your keyboard:
If the DNS cached is cleared successfully, the Command Prompt window will show a success message, as shown in the above image.
Alternatively, you can also use the Chrome browser in order to clear your DNA cache. In Chrome's address bar enter the following text and hit Enter: chrome://net-internals/#dns
On the page which opens, click the Clear host cache button: