Your CRM is set up with user classes which specify what a user can see and do in the system.
The permissions of the user class is how you configure the access for each role in your organization, such as Sales Rep, Sales Manager, Support, and Administrator, as well as any other user classes you want to create.
In this article, we show you how to create and manage your CRM user classes.
Creating a New User Class
To create a new user class, open the User Classes page from the administration menu (Users & Groups > User Classes):
The page shows the existing user classes including the number of active users in each user class:
Click the Add New User Class button in the top-right corner to begin adding a new user class.
A pop-up window appears which you can use to configure the basic settings of your new user class.
You will need to enter the name of the user class, and either copy the permissions from an existing class (recommended) or select a user class type (Basic, Advanced, or Admin).
When you're finished, click the OK to create the new user class:
Once the user class has been created, you will see it in the list of user classes. To edit its access, click the Permissions button on it:
A list of features is now shown along with checkboxes under each type of user: Basic, Advanced, and Administrator.
The 'user type' controls the permissions that are available to the user, and if you are on a 'per-user' pricing plan, it also sets the base cost for each user:
To see more detail on what each feature includes, hover your mouse over the question mark for that feature and a tooltip will appear showing more information:
You may select or unselect the checkbox next to a feature that should be added or removed. However please note that doing so will also select or unselect all of the other permissions within that feature too.
To edit the individual permissions in a specific feature, click on that feature to expand the list of permissions within it, and then select or unselect the required checkboxes:
Some permissions do not show a checkbox next to them, which indicates that they are not available to that user class based on the user type column selected.
If needed, change the user type (for example from Basic to Advanced) and then select the desired permissions.
Once the user class permissions have been edited to include or exclude your desired options, click the Save Permissions button in the top-right corner to save your changes.
Important: CRM Administrators can be enabled to manage the user settings for all CRM groups, or only for the groups they belong to, using the following two permissions:
In case you don't need the administrators to be able to view or edit the settings of other groups, select the "Manage Own Group's Settings" permission.
Editing Existing User Classes
You may edit an existing user class by opening the User Classes page (from the administration menu) and clicking on one of the available actions for the desired user class.
Actions available on the existing user classes are:
- Delete: This allows you to delete the user class. If there are existing users in the user class, you will be prompted to move them to another user class.
- Auto Disable: This allows you to set a threshold for notifying and disabling users that have not logged in for a certain number of days.
- Edit Name: This allows you to change the name of the user class.
- Permissions: This allows you to change the permissions for the user class.