The POST API enables you to import documents from web forms and automatically attach them to the appropriate leads.
For example, a client may be required to upload additional supporting documents (such as a driver's license or a voided check) after submitting an E-Signature document.
Instead of having your client send you the documents by email, you can enable them to upload documents right from the E-Signature confirmation page (which is displayed after the E-Signature document is submitted).
This is accomplished by building a simple web form with a POST API token and showing that form to the client on the confirmation page.
In this article, we provide step-by-step instructions for setting up a simple file upload form for use with E-Signature.
We also show how the form appears in the web browser and the files that show up on the lead after the submission.
Note: You can use similar steps to create your own file upload forms either on the E-Signature confirmation page or on your website.
1. Create A New POST API Token
As the first step, you'll need to create a new POST API Token.
More info: Manage POST Token URLs
Once your token is created, add two custom fields called "check" and "license" and assign them to "Lead File".
Next, add an additional custom field called email "email" and assign it to the lead primary email field (ie. the email special).
Here is a screenshot showing how the POST Token should be configured at this point:
Important: Please make sure that the email field is mapped to the primary email field on your lead (and not any other email field) or otherwise the uploaded files will not be attached to the correct lead.
It is also recommended to set a Success URL in your POST API settings, and enable the Auto Import feature:
Success URL: Upon successful submission of the new files via the web form, the user will be redirected to the designated URL (eg. a "Thank You" page). If the Success URL is not specified, then the CRM's default success page is used.
Auto Import: If the option is enabled then the inbound data will be imported automatically. Otherwise, the data will wait for your review in the 'Incoming POST Data' page.
2. Create The Upload Form
With the POST API Token configured, you can now proceed to build your HTML upload form.
Below is an example of a very simple form that you can use.
The form's action attribute must be set to the POST API Token URL, and the form must contain all of the fields that were mapped in Step 1 (highlighted in red):
<form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Please upload your drivers license here:<br>
<input type="file" name="license"></br>
Please upload your void check here:<br>
<input type="file" name="check"></br>
<input type="text" name="email" value="{%email%}" hidden>
<input type="submit">
In this example, the "license" and "check" fields are set as file input fields and the "email" field is set as a hidden text field with the {%email%} placeholder.
The {%email%} placeholder gets automatically replaced with the email address of the client who submits the E-Signature document.
Note: Uploading multiple documents with a single file input field is not supported at this time. Therefore your forms will need to have a separate input field for each document that needs to be uploaded.
Note: You can add your own design to the upload form so that it is consistent with your brand.
3. Create A Confirmation Page
Once the file upload form is ready, create a new Confirmation Page called "Upload Form" and copy the HTML from the previous step.
More Info: Manage E-Signature Settings
4. Update E-Signature Application Settings
Finally, open your E-Signature Application settings and select the Confirmation Page created in Step 3:
In the above example, once the "First Data - Omaha" application is submitted by the client, the Upload Form confirmation page will be opened automatically.
File Upload Example
After a client submits their E-Signature page, the confirmation page opens up and shows the file upload form which looks like this:
The client can now select the required files and submit them, after which the Success URL page opens up (if set).
Users assigned to the lead will now see a notification message to inform them that new data has been received from the web form:
The uploaded files can now be accessed from the Attachments tab on the lead: