Released 01/29/2025 - 01/31/2025
- Administrators can now default the lead items that are be copied to the new lead being duplicated from an existing lead. (LAO-1177)
Released 01/22/2025 - 01/28/2025
- The Mass Actions feature on the Merchant Management page now includes an option to assign selected users to the linked leads. (RAR-1702)
- A field validation issue found in the Fiserv North TurboApp has been resolved. (PRB-1762)
- An error message received when when linking a Lead to a Merchant with a disabled user has been resolved. (LAO-1369).
- Several new fee classes have been added to the Fiserv Omaha TurboApp as per the October 2024 updates from Fiserv. (PRB-1428)
Released 01/15/2025 - 01/21/2025
- The TSYS ELAPP TurboApp has been updated and now support adding of sub-equipment for POS devices. (PRB-1916)
- The 'show-if' field formula is now supported in e-signature applications generated via a web form. (PRB-1914)
- Four new fees have been added in the Bundled and Unbundled PIN Debit section of the Fiserv North TurboApp (590, 593, 587, and 597 fee codes). (PRB-1554)
- An issue with the email opened notification popup failing to show the DBA name for merchants created from the lead page has been resolved. (LAO-1513)
Released 01/08/2025 - 01/14/2025
- Changes to lead fields (including field deletions) are now logged for historical purposes. (LAO-985)
- An issue with redundant Owner recordsets being added to the lead after an e-sign document is submitted has been resolved. (LAO-1368)
- The new MANUAL_MERCHANT_DEACTIVATION_OVERRIDE meta value now provides the option to override the default merchant re-activation rules, to prevent merchants from being automatically re-activated in certain scenarios. (1441)
- The Residuals Details tab has been updated to include a new column for Agent Net payouts. (RAR-1435)
- The MXConnect and Worldpay IQ integrations now support the import of merchant's legal name. (RAR-1451)
Released 01/01/2025 - 01/07/2025
- An UI issue found in custom group themes (incorrect colors applied) has been resolved. (LAO-1389)
- A pagination issue found in the "Get residuals summary with merchant rows" Open API endpoint has been resolved. (RAR-1083)
- The length of the Merchant Central user's first and last name has been increased to a maximum of 100 characters. (RAR-1508)