Your CRM offers various possibilities to adjust the colors and styles of the CRM to match your preferences or brand identity.
You have the option to set up style preferences either for individual use or for the entire user group.
The CRM style can be updated by choosing from a range of pre-defined color schemes, or you can also easily create your own custom style through a few simple steps.
To manage your CRM themes and colors click on your username in the top-right corner and select the Custom Style option:
The Custom Style sidebar opens up as seen in the example below.
To get started with your edits, first select the theme you wish to edit—either your personal theme or the group theme:
A quick way to set up your CRM theme based on your corporate colors is to simply upload your company logo in the Custom Style sidebar.
The system then automatically creates a custom style based on the logo colors, and you can save the new style by clicking the Update button:
Alternatively, you can apply a preset theme by simply selecting it and clicking the Update button:
To create a custom theme, click on the plus button in the Custom Themes section:
Next, enter the title of the new theme and save it:
To change the colors in a custom theme, simply select the theme and the appropriate colors for the various UI elements.
When you're finished, click Update to save your changes:
Note: When you change the color for a specific UI element, you can preview the new color directly in the UI by simply hovering your mouse over the newly selected color in the sidebar.
The saved custom themes can be managed using the shortcuts next to the the Saved Themes dropdown.
The shortcuts allow you to (in order) delete a theme, set a default theme, change the theme title, or add a new theme: