Released 12/22/2023 - 12/31/2023
- An issue with the Lead.Created API webhook triggering an alert twice for the same lead has been resolved. (CR1-1403)
- The lead page has been updated with several UI improvements and fixes. (CR1-1464)
- The "Phone number is invalid" error message that appeared when a user tried to create a lead task has been resolved. (CR1-1429)
- The CRM Dialer now supports for Australian phone numbers. (IFE-174)
Released 12/15/2023 - 12/21/2023
- Web Form sections are now collapsible. (CR2-1046)
- Submitted e-signature documents no longer return conflicting e-signature data for blank dropdown options. (CR2-1048)
- The error that occurred on the event alert popup when a user attempted to reschedule the event has been fixed. (CR1-1428)
- SMS message replies are now received by the agent that sent the most recent SMS message from the lead. (CR1-1349)
- Several issues found in the Paysafe TurboApp (such as missing fields and information not being received by processor) have been resolved. (TAP-806)
Released 12/08/2023 - 12/14/2023
- Lead appointments can now be created in a selected time zone. (CR1-866)
- An issue with users not being able to remove selected options in a multi-select field on the TurboApp Default Values page has been resolved. (TAP-929)
- The columns on the User Accounts page can now be reordered and the new column order saved automatically. (CR1-1385)
- An issue with agents being able to see other agents' data on the Appointment Board and Sales Metrics pages has been resolved. (CR1-1388)
- The e-signature document Categories are now sorted in alphabetical order on the Manage Applications page. (CR2-1025)
Released 12/01/2023 - 12/07/2023
- The lead email special field is now set as the default sender field when sending mass emails to leads. (CR1-664)
- As issue with users not being able to save multiple IP addresses in the API Token restricted addresses setting has been resolved. (CR1-1299)
- A new API endpoint has been added which returns the custom lead properties and values. (CR1-1370)
- An issue with merchants received through the Merchant Data Sharing feature being assigned to the incorrect user group has been resolved. (MSR-1178)
- A file processing error found in the ACH files imported from a TSYS data source has been resolved. (PII-1365)