The CRM Web Forms come with a set of predefined widgets that enable you to build your web forms in minutes by simply dragging the widgets to your web form.
The widgets are grouped under Layout Widgets (i.e. basic web form blocks) and Section Widgets (i.e. widgets that are added the Section widget):
Continue reading to learn how to use and configure each type of widget on your web forms.
Section Widget
The Section widget is a building block that you can add to your web form to keep similar types of fields grouped together.
Once the Section widget is added to the form you can rename it and add other section widgets or lead fields to it.
Here is an example of a section we added to the web form. We renamed the section to "Owner" and added a few lead fields from the Owner tab:
You can also make a section widget cloneable so that the person submitting the form can generate additional sections on the web form dynamically.
For example, if a merchant has two owners you can make the Owner section cloneable by enabling the Clone Button on it (and optionally changing the Clone Button Title and Max Copies properties):
Once the web form is saved, the person completing the form will be able to add additional owners on the web form dynamically using the Add Owner button:
Note: It is recommended to map cloneable sections only to lead record sets. In this way each section widget will be automatically mapped to the corresponding record set on the lead.
In the above example the Primary Owner section will map to the first record set on the Owner tab, and the Secondary Owner section will be mapped to the second record set on the Owner tab when the form is submitted.
Here is an example of the lead generated with two owner record sets based on the above sample form:
If needed, you can add a Copy Button to your section widget which copies the fields form another section on the web form. The Copy Button helps your client complete the form faster by eliminating the need to retype the information which may be identical (such as the DBA and corporate information).
In the example below, we enabled the Copy Button on the Corporation Information section and set it up so that it copies the fields from the DBA Information section:
Compact Section Widget
The Compact Section widget is the same as the Section Widget in most respects, except it has a smaller heading and no separator line.
It is mostly used to display the fields that may be considered as a sub-group of a specific section.
Helper Text Widget
The Helper Text Widget is a yellow bar which you can insert on the form to provide additional information or context to the person filling in the form:
Text Box Widget
The Text Box widget allows you to add formatted text either in a form section (Text Box option under Layout Widgets) or directly on the web form page (Text Box option under Section Widgets).
In the Text Box settings pane you can enable or disable the text box background and border, or if enabled, change the background and border color. You can also set the maximum height of the text box:
The content of the text box can be edited using a rich-text editor, which allows you to format the fonts, add tables or bullet lists, and more:
Divider Widget
The Divider widget can be used to separate different sections with a horizontal line and title.
Here is an example of a Divider widget being used to separate the pricing information from the other form sections:
Consent Checkbox Widget
The Consent Checkbox widget allows you to publish your terms and conditions that your client will need to agree with prior to submitting the web form:
The terms and conditions can be made available in one of three ways including:
- Copying the T&C right in the consent widget
- Posting a link to an external T&C page
- Uploading a T&C document in PDF format
Here is a screenshot of the consent checkbox settings:
Note: To make consent mandatory for the submitter select the 'Required' checkbox in the consent widget settings
Document Button Widget
The Document Button widget is used to allow your clients to upload supporting documents with the web form:
Each document upload button allows the user to upload up to 25 documents.
The widget settings also allow you to select a document label (which will be applied to all documents uploaded through that button) and to make the file upload required:
Fees Table Widget
The Fees Table widget allows you to create a simple fees table with the name of the fee and the fee amount.
The fees are added to the table by dragging the fields from the lead section, and dropping them in the fee table.
Here is an example of a fee table:
Pricing Table Widget
The Pricing Table widget allows you to create a simple pricing table with various card brands.
The prices are added to the table by dragging the fields from the lead section, and dropping them in the pricing table.
Here is an example of a pricing table:
Image Widget
The Image widget allows you to place an image on the web form, either by uploading an image or linking to an externally hosted image: