The CRM Web Forms can be set up as a multi-page form. This is especially useful when the form contains a large number of fields and needs to be presented to the client in a more user-friendly way.
You may build a new multi-page form from scratch or convert an existing one-page form to a multi-page form in a few clicks.
It is also possible to convert a multi-page form back to a single-page form if needed.
Follow our video guide below or continue reading for additional information about Multi-Page Web Forms.
Below is an example of a multi-page form.
At the top of the form, there is a progress bar that shows the page that the user is currently on, and the remaining pages that are yet to be completed.
Once a page is completed, the user can move on to the next page using the Next button at the bottom of the page or click the name of the page in the stepper at the top of the page:
At the end of the process, you may optionally display a summary page that shows all of the information that the client entered.
The client can then review the information one more time to confirm it's accurate and then submit the form.
To create a Multi-Page Web Form, you start by following the same steps as when creating a one-page form, described in our article Creating a Web Form.
When you reach the form design step, click on the Form Pages button:
Next, select the 'Enable Multi-Pages' option in the Form Pages widget:
You can now add multiple pages to your Web Form by clicking the Add Page button.
When you add a new page to your form the progress bar is automatically updated, and a new page section is added in the form design area:
Once the pages are added to the form, you can begin adding the form widgets and lead fields to the pages by dragging them from the widget and the lead sidebars into the design area:
You can use the section shortcuts to jump to a specific page and section in the design area:
To include a summary page in the form submission process, select the 'Include Form Summary Page' checkbox:
Note: The summary page only supports the following form widgets:
- Helper Text
- Text Box
- Divider
- Consent Checkbox
Here is an example of the summary page shown at the end of the submission process:
If any of the entered information needs to be adjusted, the user can click on the pencil icon in a section to jump back to the appropriate page and make the necessary adjustments: