NMI Payment Gateways can be updated post-boarding via Merchant Central Helpdesk ticket.
This allows you to make changes to account info, value added services, and pricing without leaving the CRM.
The Update functionality can be used for accounts that were boarded either using the Merchant Central boarding integration or manually in the NMI Reseller Portal.
Steps to Update an NMI Gateway Account
- Go to Helpdesk and create a new ticket, select NMI - Update Gateway Account as the ticket type.
- In the For field, search for and select the merchant whose gateway you are updating.
- If you have more than one set of NMI reseller credentials configured in your Merchant Central site, select which Reseller to use.
- For Gateway Account, search for and select the gateway that you are updating. There are 3 lookup options - Suggested, Boarded [via Merchant Central] and Search - see below for further explanation of the lookup options.
- Assign users if necessary and click Create Ticket to proceed to the NMI Maintenance screen.
- Update any necessary info under Merchant Details and click Next.
- Update any necessary items under Processing Info. Once all of your updates are complete, click Create and your changes will be submitted directly to NMI.
Gateway Lookup Options
Suggested - The default lookup that looks for matches based on Company (DBA) Name. The search criteria can also be updated to Full Name, Email, Phone Number or External Identifier (MID or Lead ID). This is the same as Search Accounts in the NMI Portal.
Boarded - Searches only NMI gateway accounts that were boarded via the Merchant Central integration with matching merchant information.
Search - This is the same as Search Accounts in the NMI Portal. There are no filters applied like the above lookup options, it will search all accounts based on the text you input to search by.
Ticket Submission
After submitting the NMI - Update Gateway Account ticket, it will auto-resolve since all updates are made automatically in NMI by the connection with Merchant Central and there are no additional steps to take.
The completed ticket will have a comment with all of the updates that were made to the gateway for tracking purposes.