Your Helpdesk can sync to an email account (for example to create tickets and add comments to existing tickets.
When an email is received in the synced email account, a new ticket is generated automatically.
If the person who sent the email is a registered lead or merchant, then the new ticket will be automatically linked to their lead or merchant record in the CRM.
The system also supports auto-threading, so that when a sender or a copied party party replies to an email, their response will be logged as a new comment on the ticket (as opposed to generating a new ticket).
Below we have the steps to create the connection and configure it to maximize your Helpdesk experience.
Connect to the Email Account
- Go to Manage > Groups, then click Edit on the desired Group.
- To use a Gmail, Outlook, or SMTP+IMAP* email account for sending and receiving Helpdesk emails, use the Connect Account for Helpdesk Email option.
- Select the option that matches your email account and you will be prompted to use this email account for other Group(s). For any new ticket created, it will be assigned to the oldest Group if you select multiple Groups.
- Continue through the steps to access the account. Once you have made the connection you will see more options (see next section).
Ticket Type
Once you've linked to an email account, an option for "Ticket Type for New Tickets" will display:
When a new ticket is received by email, this is the Ticket Type that will be set, and you can review it and move to a more specific Ticket Type.
If you don't already have a Ticket Type for this purpose, you can create it and return to update this setting to it.
Auto Reply for New Tickets
Another option you'll see is for "Auto-Reply for New Tickets", with No selected by default:
If you change this to Yes, the Auto-Reply Email Template option shows up, with the "Helpdesk Ticket Received" email template pre-selected.
When a new ticket is created from an incoming email, the selected email template is automatically sent to the sender. The sender can then reply to the the email and their response will be added to the ticket as a new comment.
*IMAP is used to receive emails, and SMTP is used to send emails. You must connect to both to get the full functionality of the email integration.
Email Template For Auto Reply
The template "Helpdesk Ticket Received" includes the ticket's Subject, which is the same as the subject of the received email, and the ticket ID.
Including the Subject allows the original sending to keep track of which email to respond to should they want to follow up, and including the ticket ID allows them to reference it if speaking to you on the phone.
After you have configured your group settings, click Save Group to save the changes.