The 'TSYS - Update Daily Fee Indicator (Auto)' Helpdesk ticket enables you to easily set up merchants with daily or monthly billing flags.
To begin updating the flags for a specific merchant, create a new Helpdesk ticket and select the 'TSYS - Update Daily Fee Indicator (Auto)' type:
Next, locate and select the merchant using either the merchant's DBA name or the MID, and click Add Ticket:
You will now be directed to a new page where you can select the Daily Fee Indicator (On or Off) and the Net or Separate type.
After you choose your indicator options, select the the fees that you would like to update using the checkboxes on the left, and hit the Update button:
Next, review the updates that will be applied and click Continue:
A new Helpdesk ticket will now be created and automatically saved with the Resolved status.
The comments section of the ticket displays the information on the selected fees that were updated: